Acadiana Patriots

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The passion and inspiration from everyone here is as clear as day. The Left has taken many decades to bring about it's agenda and friends it will take my generation and the next to follow to fully restore America to Her greatness. This is the task we face and we can no longer sit idly by and wait for someone to step in a solve our counties plight. I stand with you Patriots. Will you stand with me?

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Mark, I see the sleeping are now awakening. The quite have found a voice. Those that were screaming at the televison are now getting up and carrying a sign to tell others to do the same. All of these things are an ACTION and this is what it will take, ACTION. You are correct that our country did not get to this point overnight and will take a long fight to regain. I think of what our founding fathers must have gone through and it make me all the stronger. I just say God have Mercy on America
In every step we, we take in prayer, God will give us the answers and direction. When you ask God's guidance and follow His directions the evil will always be the strongest against us. Those that do not heed the word never fear Satan for they are no threat to the work he does through an unjust rule

How would you apply God's laws in the civil court system?  (see rule 302 of the federal rules of evidence)



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We're all "Preppers"

Posted by Jai on November 17, 2012 at 8:24am — 9 Comments



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