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Will you PLEDGE your Honor, your Fortune and your Life like our founding fathers did to create a Constitutional Republic?  I have, what say you?

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Adam, I pledge! Do you think our candidates will sign the oath/pledge... attached here? This is the pledge that you shared from "Patriots For America".

Politicians will not honor their oath of office no matter which party.

We are of like mind Adam, this site looks great and the energy it takes to win this struggle insurmountable. every fiber of every true Patriot is now being put to the test. Do we cede and give up or do we fight for what those before us bled and died for. I for one have made that commitment to my family and my God to do everything possible to restore America to Her greatness. I'm with ya my brother!!
Thanks Mark I am 100% committed

Mark Parham( said:
We are of like mind Adam, this site looks great and the energy it takes to win this struggle insurmountable. every fiber of every true Patriot is now being put to the test. Do we cede and give up or do we fight for what those before us bled and died for. I for one have made that commitment to my family and my God to do everything possible to restore America to Her greatness. I'm with ya my brother!!
To God, To Family and To Country, I pledge to not go quietly into the night but to stand firm and be SILENT NO MORE! I will make my voice heard through my Vote and by being Active. I will no apologize for being an American!
Right there with you Adam. Please pick me up if knocked down I will do the same for you.
We will not let you get knocked down. For God, country, Family and You.

Jonathan Duhon said:
Right there with you Adam. Please pick me up if knocked down I will do the same for you.
I love my country and will do whatever it takes to save it.
Dieu, Famille, et Patrie (God, Family, Homeland)

I'm with you, Adam. All the way.  Jim Walker

I pledge to go down fighting for our rights that was put forth by the founding fathers. I believe in God, Family, and our Country(OUR COUNTRY). I'm with you.

Adam, 33 years ago I took an oath to Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic, today I am still dedicated to keep that pledge of my sacred honor.

 Dean S.



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