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Will you PLEDGE your Honor, your Fortune and your Life like our founding fathers did to create a Constitutional Republic?  I have, what say you?

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A lot of great pleades and brave words but I have learned that talk is cheap. You're ready to do what it takes....but is your family? When the IRS comes knocking or storm troops come down your street are you ready? When the local police stop by... Do you have a plan? Are you prepared to do what's hard? Just some challenging thoughts because when the SHTF it won't be nice. The days might not be cool, the sun might not be shining and you won't be able to hop on over to the local sporting store to buy extra ammo. Talk is good but getting ready means planning. The tree of liberty is watered by the blood of tyrants and patriots....

 I do not have any friends here yet, so I will just take a leap of faith...

What is the name of the republic and what jurisdiction does it have?

The oath that you can learn how to enforce in federal court is found in title 8 U.S.C. section 1481(a).  You would enforce this as a "'substantial right".

You are making the wrong pledge.  The correct pledge to form that republic is found in title 8 U.S.C. Section 1481(a)&(b) and sequence.  It even tells you how to create the republic by accepting the duties of office in the jurisdiction established by forming the republic.  This is the basis in law for your legal claim.  This process creates the evidence required by section b.

I took the oath to defend the Constitution on August 22, 1966, when I joined the U.S. Army. All my life I have said that my oath has no expiration date. I will honor that oath until the day I die.

Van W. Walter

173rd Airborne Brigade (SEP) Memorial Day weekend 1966, until Memorial day weekend 1967.

A United States citizens takes an oath of defend the "Constitution of the United States".  An American takes an oath to defend the "Constitution".   Both persons have the same obligation.  A United States national defends the Constitution in the armed services of the United States.   An America defends the Constitution as a militia member under Amendment 2.   Same war different services.  Same fight.   Read your oath.  Verify what I say.

The original republics were a "nation under God".  They were bound by God's law as interpreted by a jury of their peers.  The base law was the 10 commandments and the principals of charity found in the Bible as interpreted by a common law jury.  With one oath you are declaring an allegiance to man's laws.  With the other oath you are declaring allegiance to God's laws.  This is choice of law decision everyone must make for The choice of law is the current republics or the organic republics that existed before the civil war.

When you say you will honor that oath tile the day u are saying I live and bound by the civil laws and I am not interested in this Republic movement.   Why post? 

The original question:    If a republic has been formed then it must have a court system.   Where is your court system that I can file in.

You have no republic without a court.  What is the name of your republic and where is the court?

(this is what I do)   We have a court and are attacking these principals in our court and federal court.

This are cases in law and equity and law or equity.    If  you believe what you say - you need a court.

If you are in legal trouble because of your patriot belief system....we will help you resolve that problem.   



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