Acadiana Patriots

Inform, Educate and Motivate!

A must see video to understand what is really going on in Washington and where this country is going if we don't get involved NOW!!!!!!

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Comment by Jai on October 14, 2010 at 12:50pm
I hate voting for the lesser of 2 evils but it's all we've got! I have already written letters to Congress asking that they not take any action in the Lame Duck Session. Check out my blog. Preparing for the worst is a smart idea, rotate your food stock and keep your power dry!! Hope is all around us. Every 200 years a nation struggles but there well always be "the remnant" that will keep the tree of liberty watered.
Comment by Bulldog22 on October 14, 2010 at 10:50am
I agree that we need to wake up our neighbors and get them to the polls. But IMHO, most Americans have already decided on who to vote for in November. (We just need to get them to actually go vote)The problem we face now is what will come out of the "Lame Duck" Congress that is inevitable after the election and through January? What other liberty stealing bills will be passed and can the new congress and senate repeal anything that has been passed? I am at the point now where I am preparing for what is coming out of all of this. I am paying off as much debt as possible and yes, stockpiling food, cash, lead, etc. Don't worry, I still campaign for the people that I hope take office or hold on to their seats, but ask yourself this, If we are almost at the point of government dependance, is it inevitable that we will end up in bondage soon? Or are we to end up as some have predicted splintered into smaller countries and fighting to ensure that we arent taken over by outside forces. I as most of you will never give up my freedom. But if the new house and senate dont correct the wrongs that are being done daily, we are in for dark times. It has happened throughout history to other countries andIMHO, the average citizen will not wake up enough to realize that it can happen here.
As for Louisiana, what are we to do about the LT. Gov race? It is a good possibility that Jindal will leave for some form of higher office. In that case, we will definately have one of two people as our governor. I personally dont want either one. Who will stand up for Louisiana's rights then? Too bad we cant do a write in for the LT. GOV office.


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We're all "Preppers"

Posted by Jai on November 17, 2012 at 8:24am — 9 Comments



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