Acadiana Patriots

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I agree that Common Core must be stopped, but there are plenty of other issues and concerns to be aware of

A friend of mine made light of this news story, but this is should be considered seriously (for those of you who do not know me, my entire adult life has been in the field of protection via the U.S. Army Rangers and Deputy Sheriff and Federal Law Enforcement/Emergency Response Officer, I now operate a training center):

The USDA does not have a large enough SWAT force to require an order like this. I have followed A.W.R. Hawkins for quite a long time, and trust his reports.

Here is another (more-detailed) report; RT News is the American-based Russian news program that actually reports more accurate information than most American news outlets (this article was also posted yesterday):

Because the Federal government is so big, placing similar orders like this one through multiple agencies will increase the total quantity without raising too many questions.

So what is this really for? This is another order to supply their "Civilian Defense Force":


I have said this many times, and will continue to repeat it: It is VERY obvious that the Government is Preparing, but because most people are more interested in "reality-show / soap operas", they have no clue what is going on right in front of their faces - they will not be prepared for when Feds come.

And even those who may be preparing for storm-related emergencies will not be prepared for nation-wide martial law and possible armed conflict.

A few weeks a go about the message I received from a friend (Federal Officer) who saw an invoice for a "substantial" (i.e. tens of thousands) order of martial law signs for a large city/county.

Now ask yourself, how prepared do you really think you are!?!

I can answer that - if you do not have an effective security plan and group to provide mutual support - you are NOT prepared for that; and no in my current situation, I am not either. That is why I am prepared to die defending my Republic and my freedom... but then I have Dad to consider.

The mutual aid that I am talking about MUST come from nearby family members and neighbors living on the same street, next street over, and/or within a half-mile at the furthest.

People MUST also consider their logistical needs, coordination and training for YOU - YOUR FAMILY - YOUR GROUP, all of which hardly any have.

In closing, I am so sick and tired of keyboard "Prepper wanabies", so Good Luck and God Bless - you will need it!

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We're all "Preppers"

Posted by Jai on November 17, 2012 at 8:24am — 9 Comments



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