Inform, Educate and Motivate!
My rant:
For the naysayers who think that talking about a Second American Revolution is “silly”
Are you more aware of your favorite TV soap opera, pop star and/or rapper than what is currently happening in our beloved Country?
This is for those who are naïve and think that wide-spread civil unrest (an “event” of Revolutionary proportions) will NOT occur in the USA. This is also for all of my “friends” who think that I am just another conspiracy theorist:
Congress and the POTUS are not listening to WE the American people who elected them into office to represent ALL of us (and YES, elections do have consequences).
FYI: The United States of America is NOT a Democracy, and the President of the United States (PROTUS) is NOT a King. The form of government our Founding Fathers broke away from was an autocratic society with a select few controlling the masses. The form of government that our Founding Fathers wanted and created is called a Constitutional Republic.
A Constitutional Republic is a form of government where the head of state and other officials are elected as REPRESENTATIVES of the people. These elected representatives are mandated to govern according to existing constitutional law, which limits their power over the citizenry. Think of the U.S. Constitution as a contract between the Federal Government and the individual State Governments, as well as the citizenry of those States.
In other words: A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the Constitution). A Democracy is direct government ruled by the majority (mob rule). A Republic recognizes the inalienable rights of individuals while democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs (i.e. Socialistic views like “Spreading the Wealth”).
American dissent is older than the United States itself. Some of the first settlers in the “New World” were religious dissenters from England – remember that they left England because they were required by their government to participate in a state-sponsored church.
For quite some time now, Congress and the POTUS are not listening to the American people who elected them into office (and YES, elections do have consequences), they are blatantly lying to the American people as well.
Today, anyone who watches the news can easily see that the U.S. citizenry is losing more and more of our precious freedoms. And people are finally waking up to all of these lies!
More and more parents are placing their children in private schools or are homeschooling them. And why is that? These parents are being pro-active, they know that the public school system and the teachers unions along with the Federal government is no longer really teaching and educating our children but have become institutions of Socialist indoctrination (i.e. “Common Core”).
WE the people must be united in returning OUR Federal Government back to a Constitutional Republic, and restoring our long-lost freedoms. And to do that, WE the people MUST elect those who also endorse that same philosophy, and our chance will be in the 1014 Congressional election AND the 2016 Presidential election. And do not discount Local and State elections either!!
NO MORE wimpy “moderates”, nor “RINOs” (Republican In Name Only) , WE the people MUST find candidates who can articulate what a true Conservative is, and by their actions represent all of us as true Conservatives.
I pray to God Almighty that this can be a peaceful transition, via the ballot box, but what do you think will happen to "normal" life across the United States if this does not happen, and hyper-inflation kicks in, what if there is a mass revolt?
As I pointed out earlier, revolution is nothing new, but so is the suppression of the dissent; so I ask again: What will you do if/when Martial Law in enacted? Will there be federal troops at every major street intersection checking identification and questioning everyone?
Will you stand up and fight? Or will you lie down to your “masters”? Unless you are one of the elite, YOU will be affected by this; so, I ask again, even if you are not willing or able to participate, what will you do if the "event" does happen? Are you ready, are you preparing, are you at least getting debt free?
You may or may not have heard of the terms “Sheeple, “Sheepdogs” and/or “III Percenters”, for those who are unaware of these terms:
SHEEPLE are those persons who blindly go about their daily lives oblivious to what is going on around them, and typically want larger governments to protect and take care of them (i.e. “nanny-state”).
SHEEPDOGS are those of us who have made the conscious decision to not be victims and to defend and protect family, friends and the innocent from criminal (predatory) behavior (i.e. Wolves).
During the American Revolutionary War, only Three percent of the American colonists fought the British army (did you know that?).
The modern day Three Percenters identify with this 3% because they were true Patriots fighting for the Individual Freedoms and Liberties that the Nation we love and honor was founded on. Modern day Three Percenters intend to maintain their God-given natural rights to liberty and property. Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed citizens (there many example of small groups changing the course of history – some for good and some for bad.
In my lifetime, I have sworn many oaths to defend and protect the U.S. Constitution, the American Homeland, and the American People. If you think that I am an extremist because I love my Country and its core principles which above all else is FREEDOM, then as far as I am concerned – YOU are part of the problem. If you are not going to help by at least voting - then YOU are part of the problem as well!
I know where I stand, and I thank God every day that there are many like me!!
God Bless America / RLTW
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Posted by Jai on November 17, 2012 at 8:24am — 9 Comments
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